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Impact of Spinal cord Injury and its Causes

In the human body, there are bundles of nerve fibers that are soft and extend from the base of the brain to the lower back. This part we call the spinal cord and its position is protected by the spine. This spinal cord functions to convey messages between the brain and all parts of the body. Because its function is to connect between the brain and other body parts, injury to the spinal cord can result in nerve disorders and organ function in various parts of the body.

Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on the Body

The spinal cord is not immune from injury. Injury to the spinal cord is a very serious type of physical injury, and the effects can be long-term. Information from the brain to all parts of the body or vice versa, will be disturbed if there are injuries to the spinal nerves. This can cause a decrease in the body's ability to move (motor) and feel (sensory), both in part of the body and in whole. The impact of spinal cord injury depends on the degree of damage that occurs. In minor injuries, there may not be interference with the sensory and motor nerves. However, in severe spinal cord injuries, nerve damage can occur that causes weakness, numbness, to paralysis in parts of the body. Lower spinal cord injury, for example at the chest or waist level, can cause paralysis in both legs. While spinal cord injury in the neck area, can cause paralysis in both arms and legs. In fact, if an injury affects the upper part of the neck, sufferers can experience difficulty breathing so they need breathing apparatus.

Signs and Symptoms of Spinal cord Injury

In general, the following symptoms can arise from spinal cord injuries:
  • Numbness or tingling.
  • Difficulty controlling bowel movements or urinating.
  • Difficulty walking.
  • Loss of ability to move legs or arms (paralyzed).
  • Headache.
  • Passed out or was unconscious.
  • Shock symptoms.
  • Abnormal head position.
  • Pain, stiffness, or pressure on the neck, back, and limbs.
Symptoms that arise due to spinal cord injury, depending on the location of which spinal nerves are affected.

Causes of Spinal cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries usually occur due to accidents or violence that damage the structure of the spine. Some examples of accidents and violence that can cause these injuries, namely:
  • Fell from a height.
  • Motor vehicle accidents that cause collisions on the face, neck, back, or chest.
  • Injury to the head or spine while exercising.
  • Punctures or shots that hit the spine.
  • Plunge into shallow water with the lower body bumping first.
  • Rotating the middle body too tight or too strong.
  • Got electric shock.
In addition to physical injury, certain conditions such as bleeding, swelling, and tumors around or inside the vertebrae, can also cause damage to the spinal nerves.

What to do if a spinal cord injury occurs

If someone has an accident or violent attack that is at risk of spinal cord injury, then he must immediately get help by medical personnel in the hospital. Early treatment by neurologists in this injury is expected to reduce the risk of long-term complications and minimize the risk of death. A very important initial treatment for the doctor is to ensure that the patient's airway is injured by the spinal cord and the patient can breathe on his own. If there are signs of breathing difficulties, the patient should get a breathing aid. In addition, doctors also need to stabilize vital signs and evaluate nerve damage that occurs in patients. Some medications to relieve nerve swelling, such as corticosteroids including dexamethasone and methylprednisolone, may be given by doctors to patients with spinal cord injuries as initial treatment. Giving corticosteroid drugs should be done no later than 8 hours after a spinal cord injury occurs. Neurosurgery procedures can also be an option for certain cases related to this injury. Considerations for surgery need to be adjusted to the patient's condition, as well as the severity of the degree of damage that occurs. Surgery is also an option if a spinal cord injury is caused by a tumor, or bleeding that compresses the spinal cord. Patients will be advised to take full rest (bed rest) in the course of the recovery process. In addition, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation are needed to support the healing process and prevent further damage. What must be understood is that until now there has been no treatment that can completely cure spinal cord injuries. Therefore, the best preventive measure is to always be careful when driving and to prioritize safety when working, especially for field workers.


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