In the human body, there are bundles of nerve fibers that are soft and extend from the base of the brain to the lower back. This part we call the spinal cord and its position is protected by the spine. This spinal cord functions to convey messages between the brain and all parts of the body. Because its function is to connect between the brain and other body parts, injury to the spinal cord can result in nerve disorders and organ function in various parts of the body. Impact of Spinal Cord Injury on the Body The spinal cord is not immune from injury. Injury to the spinal cord is a very serious type of physical injury, and the effects can be long-term. Information from the brain to all parts of the body or vice versa, will be disturbed if there are injuries to the spinal nerves. This can cause a decrease in the body's ability to move (motor) and feel (sensory), both in part of the body and in whole. The impact of spinal cord injury depends on the degree of damage that occurs...